Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tech/Performance Week Schedule & Call Times



Below are the times to report for rehearsal/performances this week.  Adjustments may be made to call times once we see how things go with costuming and hair/makeup.

Please report at your call time and NO EARLIER - we stagger arrival purposefully.  Cast members report to Mr. Dunn's room for their costume first, then hair/makeup.  Costumes will not be issued to cast members prior to their call time.

Hair/Makeup Instructions

Ancestor Ensemble should come with hair out of their faces.  Long hair can be worn pulled back in a barette, single braid, bun, etc.  Makeup will be done at school (the plan is simple super light foundation and dark eyes).

Natalie, Francie, Reese and Elisa should come with hair braided ready to go into a wig cap.  Natalie may need 4 french braids so the bald cap will be flatter.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Program Ad Examples

Here's a few examples of ads placed in prior programs.  Many come to us just as text, and time permitting we may add some clip art.  Others are more elaborate.  Either way, they express good luck and well wishes to cast members from adoring familial fans!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Program Ad Order Form

You may provide your ad on the form or email your ad information.  If you email, please include the size of the ad you would like and send payment and the form to the school office.

Program Ads are due Friday, March 15th!

Link to the order form:

Program Ad Order Form